wv coworking, wv small business

For 2019, we’re giving our Monday coworking sessions a reboot with a little more structure!

In addition to open co-working, we’ll offer a guided group session to get your social media marketing, website, and business administration in order!

The most common feedback I get about co-working is that it sounds cool, but people aren’t sure exactly what they would DO, or feel like it wouldn’t benefit them. When I share my process (I do the same thing, every single week), everyone also seems interested, but a little overwhelmed.  From the outside, maybe it does sound like this is a polished (it’s not) easy (it’s not) process for me.  What it really does is provide a solid structure for me to work in when I’m not feeling creative, when I’m a bit tired from the weekend, and it gets my week off to a solid start.  No matter what else happens in my week, everything will look good from the outside because I have checked in with my clients and scheduled my social media.

Action Based Goals

I believe in action based goals.  Outcome-based goals are often arbitrary, affected by things you can not control, and can lead to burnout and discouragement.  Action based goals are 100% within your power to complete.  When well designed, they can lead to those outcomes you’re desiring.

Outcome-Based Goal: “I want to book 3 new clients this month.”
Action Goal: “I want to post daily on my social media and blog twice a month.”

These coworking sessions are my direct commitment to making those action based goals happen every week.  That action will lead to your desired outcome.  Can I do these things at home?  Yes.  Do I?  No.  The act of showing up, every Monday, to follow my routine means that I will complete my goals for the week.

Now, if you have other ideas for what you need to do at coworking, you’re still more than welcome to join us!  Come and work in the same space and enjoy some community! But for anyone who is struggling to figure out exactly what to do, and also struggling to get their business organized and moving, we’re going to team up and tackle it together.

 “I’m worried I’ll just spend my time talking and not get things done.”

There will be talking.  We’ll talk about all those things that have been stuck in your head, that you don’t have an answer for because you’ve been needing some perspective.  We’ll trade ideas and give feedback.  You will benefit from the kind of talking that generally happens in office settings, between coworkers, or among those who work on the same team, and your business will be better for it.  If we get off track, I’m pretty good at steering the conversation back to productivity.  After all, I have a list of things that I will be getting done every Monday!

Monday, February 4.  10am-2pm | Marketing Monday

  • 10am.  Weekly calendar review, eMail, and client correspondence.
  • 11am.   Social Media Scheduling
  • 1pm.    Website Updates/Blogging

Sounds pretty simple, right?  It also sounds overwhelming if you’re not in the habit of doing these things.  You might also notice that we’re starting in February, not right at the first of the year. Yes, it is still free to attend!

What Happens in January?

Well, I travel.  It’s something we started doing as a family about 8 years ago, and I’ve added some professional travel to that family travel.  It’s a nice break in the middle of a cold, dreary, busy season.  I work ahead to make some of that happen.  I’m coming back to shoot a lovely wedding in the middle of the month, then I’ll be off again.  I’ll be doing a lot of my work in advance, and getting some of it done while I’m on the road.

For you, I have some things scheduled to get you prepared for a structured year of business, whether you choose to attend coworking sessions or not.  Each Monday, I’ll share one task for the week.  They are kinda big ones, but will set a foundation for your business for the rest of the year. Each task can be completed in the same 4 hours that you will spend each week going forward, but will be a singular, directed action that will lay the groundwork for productivity for all of 2019.

Make it Happen!

Alright!  Are you on board?  It’s super easy.  Join the 304 Collective mailing list. You’ll get an email each week in January with a link to walk you through each action.  That’s all there is to it!

(since January has passed, the weekly challenges have all been shared.  You can start them at any time to organize your business and make your weekly marketing easy).

Week 1 Challenge: Goals and Planning

Week 2 Challenge: Take Charge of Your Email

Week 3 Challenge: Establish or Update Social Media

Week 4 Challenge: Prep Your Media

After that, monthly challenge topics based off of the 2019 Rising Tide Society topics (because I think they are really good ones!) will be published to help you continue the forward momentum all through the year. Not sure if you can make it to coworking?  Sign up anyway, and work along from home.

To help you out, I also have a few freebies that I’m giving away.  Two lucky business owners will get a free 2019 planner to help them prepare for the year! Subscribe to the mailing list and I’ll select a winner on Dec. 26 (because it’s my birthday, and how fun is that?!)  Already on our list?  Just drop me an email to enter.  🙂 You can even reply to the email that sent you here!