SEAMLESS | April Photography Inspiration Set | Fairmont WV Studio Rental

Sometimes you don't need a lot of stuff.  You need the opposite. In fact, sometimes you want nothing at all.  Just a smooth, perfect background.  So this month, we want to share a collection of images and ideas from our seamless backdrops.  These are perfect for portraits or products. We've seen seamless backdrops get a lot of action around the studio lately.  Rocho and Co photo hosted a headshot swap at our space and utilized a few different backdrops. While our white walls and neutral flooring are great, sometimes you want just an all white backdrop, and seamless paper is the perfect solution for this. We also frequently use a seamless backdrop when working with [...]

By |2021-06-28T16:44:05+00:00March 28th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

RAINFOREST | Lush, Organic, & Moody | March Photography Inspiration Set

March is here, and we're bringing a big MOOD to fit.  This month's inspiration set is a lush, organic, and moody theme we're simply calling RAINFOREST.  We started with our dark floral studio panels, added a whole bunch of plants, and started to play with options. We also had a very special guest come to model for us: Joe the Scottish Rex!

By |2021-06-28T16:45:22+00:00March 1st, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

How to Prepare and Plan for your Branding Photography Session – Guest Post by Chelsey Rocha

Have you ever scrolled over to one of your favorite businesses Instagram and just paused in awe of how ‘put together’ their feed looked? Chances are they probably have a strong sense of their brand and have properly executed a branding session with a professional photographer. 

By |2021-02-25T01:38:54+00:00February 25th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

Party Gras | Bright and Colorful Photo Session Inspiration | February Studio Set

Woohoo!  February's photo session is here and it's ready to PARTY! This set is great for birthdays, celebrations, colorful brands, and any other session that calls for COLOR. PARTY GRAS - BRIGHT AND COLORFUL PHOTO INSPIRATION We're continuing our monthly themed inspiration sets with Party Gras.  Each month we'll share a fun set to show off how you can use the items available at our studio to create something completely different.  Each inspiration set will have ideas for both professional and casual photos.  You can pull ideas from it for your own unique session, or if you like this exact set, just let us know and we'll have it set up and ready for your studio rental! THE PROFESSIONAL LOOK Party Gras is a great [...]

By |2021-06-28T16:46:47+00:00January 29th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments